Horticap : Summer Cocktail Party

We have had some more tickets made available to our Summer Cocktail Party, which is to take place on Friday 5th July, from 6.30pm at Horticap.

This will be a chance to get together to rejoice in all Horticap’s achievements to date and to hear about the plans and aspirations going forward.

We shall be serving cocktails, mocktails and canapes, with some entertainment and, of course, a little fundraising!!  Tickets for our Grand Raffle will have been on sale for 12 weeks and we shall be drawing the winning tickets at the party.

If you would like to secure your tickets, which are priced at £25.00p/p, please email the Office at info@horticap.org.

Please note, tickets will be available on a first come, first served basis.

Kind regards, from everyone at Horticap.

Don't forget to play our Lotto... only £1 a week and win up to £25,000.  It's run by Harrogate Borough Council and 
50p of every ticket goes directly to Horticap.

Horticap provides our students, all adults with learning disabilities, with a supportive and friendly working environment so that they may develop their social and communication abilities. We aim to help students extend their knowledge and skills, through structured training using professionally qualified staff and volunteers at our non-profit organisation. 
Patron - Alan Titchmarsh MBE

Martin Mann

I.T. Advice and Support in Harrogate and the surrounding area.


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