Disability Action Yorkshire Receives Generous Donation from Harlow Lodge Masonic Hall

Harrogate-based charity, Disability Action Yorkshire was the recipient of a significant donation from Harlow Lodge No. 4404, following their successful Charity Masquerade Ball held earlier this year at the prestigious Harrogate Masonic Hall.

Fernando Sarmento De Alencar (Worshipful Master), Andrew Simister (DAY Trustee and Freemason), Robert Kernaghan (DAY Trustee), Jackie Snape (CEO, DAY), Simon Cosway (Secretary of Harlow Lodge)

The January event attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd from across the region, all united in their support for Disability Action Yorkshire’s vital work in empowering disabled people across Yorkshire.

“Harlow Lodge is delighted to support Disability Action Yorkshire,” said Simon Cosway, Secretary of Harlow Lodge. “Freemasonry has a long and proud tradition of giving back to the community, and we were determined to raise awareness and funds for such a worthy cause.”

Freemasonry emphasises the importance of charity and philanthropy. Their core principles encourage members to practice kindness, benevolence, and strive for the betterment of society. Supporting local organisations like Disability Action Yorkshire allows Freemasons to put these principles into action.

Worshipful Master Fernando Sarmento De Alencar elaborated: "Freemasonry goes beyond just our personal development. By engaging in charitable activities, our members can embody virtues like compassion and generosity. This personal growth is a key part of our journey as Freemasons."

The decision to support the charity stemmed from a personal connection. “We were particularly drawn to Disability Action Yorkshire due to our member, Worshipful Brother Andrew Simister, who also serves as a trustee for the charity,” shared Cosway.

“We are incredibly grateful for this generous donation from Harlow Lodge,” said Jackie Snape, CEO of Disability Action Yorkshire. “The funds raised will allow us to continue providing vital services and support to disabled people in our community.”

“We are especially touched by the personal connection that led to their support,” Snape continued. “This exemplifies the true spirit of community and giving back.”

Disability Action Yorkshire is a Yorkshire-based charity founded in 1937. Their mission is to empower disabled people to live fulfilling lives and achieve their aspirations. They provide a wide range of high-quality services, including personal assistance, assistive technology, and residential care.

To learn more about DAY and the services they offer, please visit their website at www.disabilityactionyorkshire.org.uk

Martin Mann

I.T. Advice and Support in Harrogate and the surrounding area.


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